lunes, 5 de enero de 2015

Post 2014

1.    What's your general evaluation?
It was a different year because I was finishing the university and I chose study pedagogy in this year. It was a complicated year too, considering that I started to work in the weekends, and on the university was in protest a long time. It was very complicated because I finished the university too fast.

2. What about work or studies?
 At the university was strange because was my last year. And I felt very confused. I had to decide what to do in the next year. Also, I worked in two places. My life change a little for these reasons.

3. What was the best of 2014?
 In general I enjoyed this year.   I travelled at la Serena with my boyfriend, and it was so relax.  

4. What was the worst? (something to improve or forget)
The worst of 2014 was my father lost his job. To him, it was so difficult. We did not expect it. And my mother became ill. We were so worried for her. Many times, i had to travel at Viña del Mar. Finally, she gets better.

7 comentarios:

  1. finished the university this year really was the very best thing but was very complicated too

  2. I trust that pedagogy will a great experience for you

  3. I remember how it was i worked the weekends. Is dificult!

  4. I hope your father can get a good job so your mother will be more relax :)

  5. Belén I hope meet with you this summer at Rabones, in the river.

  6. Belén I hope meet with you this summer at Rabones, in the river.
