martes, 27 de enero de 2015

Final Post!!!!!!!!

1. What kind of activities and things have you done and learnt in classes? 

I think that I done activities more simples and entertainment and I could understand and learn more. Because after, I thought that I was so week in English and I did not like it. But, now I am ready to learn with more energy because I realized that I could understand and speak a little. I think that a teacher speak in English and sometimes explain in Spanish it is a good, because we can understand better.

2. What aspects of the English language do you still have to improve? How do you plan to do it?

I think that I have to improve a lot aspect of my English. As my pronunciation yet is so poor, but if I practice more it can improve. For example in a way is see movies have not subtitled. With this also I will improve my “Listening”. My grammar is not good. But I will improve reading in English, for example newspapers for internet.

3.What are you going to do in February? Tell me about your plans for your summer vacations.
I´m going to travel to Valle del Elqui with my friends. We will want to camp there for two week. And I will sleep, relax, draw, and go to party.
Before, I’m going to visit my mother at Viña del Mar. I will relax and meet with my friends.
And finally, I will travel with my boyfriend to south of Chile, but yet we don't know where to go.

jueves, 22 de enero de 2015

An artist that I admire

Hello classmates

I´m going to talk about Marina Abramovic is my favourite performance artist.
First of all, the performance art is opposite to painting or sculpture because is not the object the element constitutive of artistic work, but the subject.
Well, now…Marina Abramovic is a serbian artist and she made performances in the 70´s
I like her because she explores the limits between theartist and the audience, the limits the body and the possibilities of the mind.

Her most important performaces are rhythm 0, 2, 5 and 6. And the performances with Ulay. With whom she formed a collective called “The Other”. They used to dress and act like twins.

In the performance called “The Lovers” (1988) Marina and Ulay walked on the Great Wall of China, from their extremes to meet in the centre. 

Her last work was “The artist in the present” (2010). It is the retrospective exhibition at the MOMA. Marina also present a new performace. She was sitting for 716 hours on a chair with a table. In the other chair, different people seated and they looked into her eyes for a moment.

Well, I see you!!

jueves, 15 de enero de 2015

1-      Have you even been on t.v?
Yes I have. I was on t.v. I went to a program about boyscouts. I was about 9 years. I remember that I was so nervous and our group participated in competition. We had to respond question about the scout rules.
2-      Have you ever ridd in a horse?
Yes. Once I rode in a horse in the beach at Concon,Viña del Mar.  It was great. The beach was so calm. It was late and the sky had beautiful colours. The horse was very big and it took me to rode.
3-      Have you even swum in the ocean?
Yes. I have. I have swum in the ocean at Arica. The water was very calm and shin-bone and I was so relax. There were few people. I saw the clean sky and the seagulls flew. I had swum for a lot of time.
4-       Have you ever played an instrument in public?

Yes, I have. I played the piano went I was a child. I was good.  I played in public at my elemental school. I was really nervous. But it was ok. My mother and my father were very proud of me.

jueves, 8 de enero de 2015

My favourites two films- directors.

Today, i talk about my favourites two films- directors.
One of them is David Lynch. I watched all his movies. David Lynch is an artist, writer and film director. His paintings are very intriguing and very similar to Francis Bacon´s paintings. He said that Bacon his art model.
In “Inland Empire”, one of his films, Lynch created the film on the march. He filmed a scene and then he invents another scene. He does not script.
He made a television series and a movie “Twin  Peaks”. The television series revolves around the assassination of Laura Palmer. She is a popular girl, and the most beautiful of his village (Twin peaks).  A FBI´s detective was assigned to the case. He discovers that nothing is what it seems to be and very strange happenings.

Other film-director that i like is Kim Ki Duk. He is a South Korean filmmaker. He is very productive. He directed more than 20 films.  My favourite Kim Ki Duk film´s is “3- IRON”. The film is beautiful, subtle and full of details.  The film talks about a couple very traditional. Sum-hwa, a wife , is abuse for her husband. And she starts a relationship with a young man in secret.

Well, that's all.

See you!

martes, 6 de enero de 2015

My opinion

What is your opinion about abstract art?
In my opinion abstract art is very interesting because it plays with abstract concepts.   It has emphasis on colours, forms and also sensations that produce the painting or sculpture. It is trying to get to the basic essentials of Art.

What is your opinion about Hollywood movies?
I think the Hollywood movies are very different.  I like some movies to Hollywood. I feel that fiction movies are the best because I love their dress and scenography. Also, some the plot is very complex and interesting.  

What is your opinion about jazz music?
I love Jazz music. Sometimes, it is so calm and sometimes very disturbing. Everything same piece of music. My favorite artist is John Coltrane with his album “Love supreme”.

What is your opinion about soap operas on Chilean TV?
I don´t like new soap operas, because it is very boring. Theirs topic are simple and basic. Being among the best, because the topics is so different. There were a lot of gypsy, of the circus, etc.

What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?

It seems to me that legalizing abortion is good. Because, all the people should had control their bodies. The abortion is a right and complicated decision the each woman.  

lunes, 5 de enero de 2015

Post 2014

1.    What's your general evaluation?
It was a different year because I was finishing the university and I chose study pedagogy in this year. It was a complicated year too, considering that I started to work in the weekends, and on the university was in protest a long time. It was very complicated because I finished the university too fast.

2. What about work or studies?
 At the university was strange because was my last year. And I felt very confused. I had to decide what to do in the next year. Also, I worked in two places. My life change a little for these reasons.

3. What was the best of 2014?
 In general I enjoyed this year.   I travelled at la Serena with my boyfriend, and it was so relax.  

4. What was the worst? (something to improve or forget)
The worst of 2014 was my father lost his job. To him, it was so difficult. We did not expect it. And my mother became ill. We were so worried for her. Many times, i had to travel at Viña del Mar. Finally, she gets better.

miércoles, 31 de diciembre de 2014

A country I would like to visit

I would like to visit  Argentina and the rest latin America in general. Because I think latin America has very places for to visit. I would like know to exotic adventures in faraway places. As the Altiplano , into Argentina, Bolivia and Peru.
 I would like to visit  Iguazu Falls. Many people told me that is beautiful.
In Perú  I would like to visit Peru's Pre-Columbian Ruins, are considered to be some of the most beautiful and mysterious sites in the world. Among the most impressive are the ruins at the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu ; best experienced when hiking the Inca Trail . In the north you can find ancient civilizations in the city of Chan Chan, while at the south you can find interesting evidence of ancient cultures at the Lake Titicaca, the city of Puno and at the Nazca Lines .

In Bolivia I would like to visit the  Oruro Carnival. Because is a popular and traditional expressions. I like much the festivals featuring Andean music and dance.  Dances of Andean as diablada, caporal, toha, wayno, kullahuada, etc. The dance and band groups rehearse throughout year.