miércoles, 31 de diciembre de 2014

A Song I like

My favorite song is” Pony” of Fernando Milagros. This song I knew in a Fanzine of “No sofía”. She is a Chilean emerging artist. And she created a little book with cute illustrations about this song. After, I listed the song, and I liked it much.  Fernando Milagros´s song speaks about lost love. It is very sad but too absurd. He talks of guard Pony that cares for him!(... for not phone a his girlfriend).
Fernando Milagros is a Chilean musician; he is part of independent music scene of the Chilean capital.  His music is a pop rock, and his lyrics speak about the daily events, his songs are simple and catchy but honest.
Well, I hope you like this. and here you have the lyrics of the song.
I see you!

PONY. Fernando Milagros
El día que te fuiste yo me compré un pony
Que duerme desnudo al lado de mi cama
El pony es mi guardaespaldas //
No me deja llamar, no me deja salir
Ni pedir perdón

El pony voló por la autopista
Si llego a verte no voy a detenerme
// Nadie sabe lo que hay dentro de mí

Nadie sabe lo que me hiciste sufrir //

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