miércoles, 31 de diciembre de 2014

A country I would like to visit

I would like to visit  Argentina and the rest latin America in general. Because I think latin America has very places for to visit. I would like know to exotic adventures in faraway places. As the Altiplano , into Argentina, Bolivia and Peru.
 I would like to visit  Iguazu Falls. Many people told me that is beautiful.
In Perú  I would like to visit Peru's Pre-Columbian Ruins, are considered to be some of the most beautiful and mysterious sites in the world. Among the most impressive are the ruins at the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu ; best experienced when hiking the Inca Trail . In the north you can find ancient civilizations in the city of Chan Chan, while at the south you can find interesting evidence of ancient cultures at the Lake Titicaca, the city of Puno and at the Nazca Lines .

In Bolivia I would like to visit the  Oruro Carnival. Because is a popular and traditional expressions. I like much the festivals featuring Andean music and dance.  Dances of Andean as diablada, caporal, toha, wayno, kullahuada, etc. The dance and band groups rehearse throughout year.

A Song I like

My favorite song is” Pony” of Fernando Milagros. This song I knew in a Fanzine of “No sofía”. She is a Chilean emerging artist. And she created a little book with cute illustrations about this song. After, I listed the song, and I liked it much.  Fernando Milagros´s song speaks about lost love. It is very sad but too absurd. He talks of guard Pony that cares for him!(... for not phone a his girlfriend).
Fernando Milagros is a Chilean musician; he is part of independent music scene of the Chilean capital.  His music is a pop rock, and his lyrics speak about the daily events, his songs are simple and catchy but honest.
Well, I hope you like this. and here you have the lyrics of the song.
I see you!

PONY. Fernando Milagros
El día que te fuiste yo me compré un pony
Que duerme desnudo al lado de mi cama
El pony es mi guardaespaldas //
No me deja llamar, no me deja salir
Ni pedir perdón

El pony voló por la autopista
Si llego a verte no voy a detenerme
// Nadie sabe lo que hay dentro de mí

Nadie sabe lo que me hiciste sufrir //